
like an angry old man, shaking a fist at the sky...

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

notes from shaky ground

It's raining here, and it won't stop, which has proven to be quite annoying. yes, this is sexy rain. this is rain to be splashed around in and hair may be tosses hither and thither in it, and all those who run through it will be reborn, just like new. but, unfortunately, that has not been my lot in the game these last couple of days.

for yesterday, i spent the afternoon in the company of one lovely smelling M, with whom i had lunch, record shopped, and saw a movie (undertow, to be more specific). i also bought elliott smith's last (*sniff*) album, and so far its pretty good.

i also heard from not one, but two interested ladies with a certain dallas based medical company interested in meeting an enterprising youth such as myself, so that they may be the ones to break these retail shackles from my tired wrists and now weakened ankles.

i met with one of them today, despite the torrential downpour, laid on my game, and just now took a typing test online and was somewhat pleased with my score: a gross 75 wpm. given that i've taken no formal classes and all skills have been the result of many a school night spent instant messaging and writing in this 6th circle of literary hell, i'm quite impressed that i've got a respectable score goin' on there. i'm hoping that things go well with this new opportunity, as i'd be making almost twice what i'm making now, which goes to show you two things. one - i don't make shit now. two - this would afford me the opportunity to open up my own apartment/grotto.

wish me the best of luck in all my future endeavors.
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