
like an angry old man, shaking a fist at the sky...

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

i guess i can be political, too

i've been thinking about my perception of current events lately. i suppose i should begin by saying that i'm not so much democratic as i am just staunchly anti-republican. you know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of mentality. i saw george w. today on the world news w/ dan rather at a rally in ohio, talking about how john kerry is already planning on spending a trillion dollars, and bush doesn't know where he's gonna get that. this from the man who cannot tell us how much he's spent on iraq, which, let's call a spade a spade here, was cowboy posturing by that man.

then i got to thinking about how he didn't even go to vietnam, but he's got absolutely no problem sending and spending all we've got to iraq, meanwhile chastising the war record of a man who got wounded and has fuckin' shrapnel in his body, and STILL had the sack to come back to the US and protest the war.

then i got to thinking about 9/11 and how, according to my thinking, something horrific like that was just what the doctor ordered as far as reason enough to go to war for sr. bush. i mean, it drums up horror, resentment toward the middle east, the mentality of "let's go get those bastards!", and a semi-solid base of support at doing anything to end terrorism, which, calling a spade a spade AGAIN, is a bit like fighting the war on drugs...it's shoveling shit against the tide.

then, i found a documentary i recorded on pbs last year about the conception, construction and eventual demise of the world trade center. i see video of all that, i flash back to spending that day almost entirely in my dorm room, watching the news all day long -- and i hate the news -- and still trying to wrap my head around the concept, trying to see and actually believe that planes were deliberately crashed into the building.

i was talking to my mom, who lived through the JFK assassination, and was actually at the motorcade about 10 minutes before he got shot. you see, i grew up with JFK's death as part of the history of things that preceded my life. the attack at pearl harbor falls into this category of things so utterly horrible that are accepted as reality, because it's all i've ever known. i didn't have to adapt to these new changes. and with all due respect, presidents had been assassinated before, and countries had been attacked by surprise before. but this...i don't think anyone had seen anything on this scale of unimagined horror since, well maybe, hiroshima?

i guess the point i'm trying to make here, in this maudlin entry, is that i'm still coming to grips with the concrete fact that such a blind seething hatred exists against us as a country, and that it can be focused and utilized toward unfathomable ends, and that to fight this sort of thing, we gotta get someone in charge who isn't going to use it to finance, spiritually and literally, his personal agenda of warfare. but that's just my opinion.

oh yeah, foley's, i found out, decided to stay open for business on 9/11. isn't that nice?

feeling: hot, bothered
thinking of: being in NY by the end of the week, baby
song of the day: this place is a prison - the postal service
I know there's a big world out there like the one i saw on the screen In my living room late last night, It was almost too bright to see
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