
like an angry old man, shaking a fist at the sky...

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Constitutional Ire

i wrote a few weeks back, around the time of the state of the union, about how ludicrous it is, all the hubbub surrounding the "taboo" subject of gay marriage. i wrote a couple of weeks ago a fake interview with bush, and both entries were meant to convey just how much i disagree with that particular political agenda. I never thought i could hate a man i've never meant, never thought i could get that sick feeling in my stomach for someone i've never seen in the flesh, never loathed someone so much i've only seen on television. well, evidently, i can.

considering that i'm not gay, i've often wondered why i care so passionately about gay rights. I guess for the same reason some whites back in the 60's cared for equal rights for black people. it's just right. i harp on and on about justice and fairness, and to deny someone the same rights as you or me, simply because of sexual preference is absurd. more than that, it's morally outrageous. it's wrong.

and here, that simple minded buffoon, that prejudiced sonofabitch wants to actually ammend the constitution to further his and several other people's agendas that preach about equal rights and betrays the very heart of those causes.

seriously, bush? how can you, in good conscience, talk about justice and liberty and the pursuit of happiness to the american people, go about your military crusades to protect those tenets of american life, and at the same time, actually amend the fucking document our nation was founded on to single out those with sexual preferences YOU find appalling. and don't hide behind your psuedo argument of family values, because it just doesn't stand. you hate gays? fine. you want them to hide in the shadows and deny them basic rights that any crackhead can claim? fuck you. ain't gonna happen.

it is the document guaranteeing my right to say these things i've said. don't make a disgrace of it with your sickening prejudices.

how dare you?

feeling: pissed off
thinking of: summer plans
song of the day: won't get fooled again - the who
The change, it had to come, we knew it all along. We were liberated from the fold, that's all. And the world looks just the same
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