
like an angry old man, shaking a fist at the sky...

Sunday, October 05, 2003

it's a rainy sunday afternoon, and i'm lonely.

not that that's anything new. quite frequently, i find myself stricken with the lonely bug. i could be surrounded my a handful of close friends and still become infected by this damnable microbe. but it's been lately that i've been wondering, when did loneliness really become a negative attribute?

there's a line in gosford park, where one of the gents who is in business with the murderee, is talking with his wife about a business project that the murdered fella might just ruin. she says, "don't sound so desperate" and he says, "well, i am fucking desperate."

every time you go out on a date, or you do something where you're trying to hook up with someone everyone always says "don't be desperate". well, they have a very valid point. despair is generally not something considered attractive. i don't go to bars saying, ok, who here looks desperate!! ooh! she's desperate, that's so hot! ....ok, maybe i do. but that's beside the point.

the point is, i think our generation is too quick to jump to a conclusion about another person. we're the seinfeld generation, and our development years were spent privy to breakups and rejections based on the most minute and generally unfounded reasons. hell, jerry's rationale bordered on dementia. so we think just because a person is desperate or lonely or one of those things you're not supposed to feel, they're not worth talking to, or going out with or what have you, when really, that's just one aspect of the whole package.

so? she's desperate? does that mean she's going to lose her fucking mind and demand marriage on the first date? no. and it would be retarded to think so.

so? he's desperate? does that mean he's going to be calling you his girlfriend before the first drinks even get to the table? not at all. the desperate DO have some self control.

i'm desperate for a job right now, that doesn't mean i'm going to latch on to the first thing that comes along and start shoveling mule shit for minimum wage, cause i need the money.

my point is, yes, being desperate may be an unattractive quality, but should you write the whole thing off because of one thing that will most likely, go away in time? no, be patient, america.

i mean, if those dudes had shot a horse they thought was worthless, then that whole seaburger story wouldn't have even come to light!! think about THAT.

feeling: hungry, and like seeing 'school of rock'
thinking of: inventing a time machine
song of the day: pictures of you - the cure
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