
like an angry old man, shaking a fist at the sky...

Thursday, October 16, 2003

the difference between tragedy and comedy is justice.

now, i've been thinking alot about justice in the last few days, what with playoff baseball going on. i don't even like baseball, but i do like certain players. pudge rodriguez was totally underappreciated on the rangers roster, and when he left, i wished him well, and followed him in this postseason with more interest than i've shown the rangers in the last four years.

that being said, there is no justice in the cubs losing the penant, and there certainly is no justice in the man who tried to catch that foul ball getting the ridiculous amount of shit he's getting. the man did what anyone would have done, and i don't wanna hear any bullshit otherwise. you know how i know? cause i'd go for that ball, and i don't even like baseball.

so i was rooting for pudge, and by proxy the marlins. but i felt bad for the cubs for losing, and for the cub fans, who seemingly are the most loyal, if a touch misguided among the fans out there. but back to justice.

there certainly is no justice regarding the absurd nature of the new york yankees. they are the most hated team in any sport in my book. and -- i don't even like baseball. and i like the red sox. i'm not even from boston, only been once for a couple of hours, and i'm thinking of getting me a red sox cap and watching me some boston games. simply because they, i think, are the only people who hate the goddamn yankees as much as i do.

but getting back to comedy and tragedy. think about movies. think about those high school movies where the jerk (i.e. the jock who seemingly will get the girl) and the hero, who will yearn for his dream girl, only to find out that his friend girl will be the true dream girl revealed at the end, get their just desserts.

in a tragedy, say romeo and juliet, it could be a comedy along the lines of midsummer night's dream, that is, until, mercutio is killed. it is at that point that tragedy is inevitable. chaos to order ist he nature of comedy in shakespear, and order to chaos is respective the nature of tragedy.

but let's be real. there isn't justice in the world. not when out of a hundred years, the yankees win 26 world series. one in four, people. that's not justice. that is, no doubt, a pact with satan.

or maybe steinbrenner himself, the demented old bat, is actually the devil.

feeling: dejected
thinking of: writing a book
song of the day: chelsea hotel no. 2 - leonard cohen
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