
like an angry old man, shaking a fist at the sky...

Monday, September 22, 2003

The hiatus is not over.

But i'm bored, so i figured i'd write a little bit here. when the hiatus is over, you'll know, because the first line will be 'the hiatus is over'. but it's not over. hence the absence of the previously mentioned line at the heading of this piece.

i have a wart. for quite some time, too. not a big nasty thing. in fact it's not big at all. it has a circumference of maybe an eighth of an inch, and it's on my left hand, middle finger. it's wee. it's just a pain in the ass. so i bought some compound W strips to put on it. you're supposed to leave it on for a period of 48 hours, then remove it, and reevaluate the situation. what it doesn't tell you on the box, is that if you get the medicated part of the strip on an unaffected part of your skin (and like i said, my wart was wee) it results in a rather unsightly chemical burn -- yes, like in Fight Club.

it's gross looking. seriously. my finger looks like freddy krueger now. and the wart, my god, the wart is HUGE now. like twice the size it was, and just vomitously gross looking. bleh!

kudos to gandolfini and falco and joey pants for their emmys. screw debra messing's skinny unfunny ass. sarah jessica all the way!!

i saw 'lost in translation' yesterday too. many kudos to sofia, and to bill murray, and to my love, scarlett.

feeling: still shitty
thinking of: banging scarlett johansson
song of the day: candleshop - billy harvey
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